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Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sebab Kenapa Anda Perlu Guna Google Translate!

hahahahaaa... nak tau knape... tengok contoh kat bawahh ni....

original english:

"Close to the end of the day, the Diablo came sliding out in turn 11, a blind right hander that crests a hill then drops away below you. This turn is usually taken at just over a hundred miles an hour. The car spun into a 180, arched towards the inside of the track, through the grass then slammed drivers side into a concrete barrier.",

translate to malay:

"Dekat dengan akhir hari, Diablo datang meluncur keluar pada gilirannya 11, hak buta händer bahawa puncak-puncak bukit kemudian turun jauh di bawah anda. gilirannya ini biasanya diambil di lebih dari seratus kilometer per jam. Mobil berputar ke 180, melengkung ke arah bahagian dalam lagu, melalui rerumputan lalu membanting driver side ke konkrit penghalang."

ahaks! ak rsa KAMUS tetap terbaaikkk...
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